
Archive for July, 2014

The Lion roars and all
Tremble in fear at the
Power of this wild energy.

Mane of mind flaming as
Strength pours from raging
Will that is powerful in intent.

And from the shadow of night
Teeth are bared and eyes seek
Out its prey and with one
Powerful strike of clawed paw
Life ends and blood spills anew.

POWER is a word that evokes many feelings and memories of experiences of being held in the potency of its energy. By definition, Power is…

1. The ability to do something or act in a particular way, especially as a faculty or quality
2. The capacity or ability to direct or influence the behavior of others or the course of events
3. Physical strength and force exerted by something or someone

These are the main uses of the word, with many subcategories of definition for each. The overall feeling is one of active movement and of directing that flow towards an intended goal. There is nothing gentle about this action; just as there does not necessarily have to be anything brutish about it. Power is simply pure force and flow that is neither good nor bad in its natural state. It is shaped and formed within the container of our own w/Will to be used in application according to the desires that fueled that w/Will.

The admonition.. “with great power, comes great responsibility” speaks to the discipline required to stand in a place of allowing this force to flow through you. The requirement is one of accountability and taking action only from a place of centeredness and self-awareness. This accountability morphs and changes as we expand our perceptions of ourselves in relation to others and the world in general. Moving beyond concern only for the self into the greater pool of humanity and how our actions affect others redefines who and what we are held accountable to.

A more expanded world view leads us to seek out those opportunities and experiences where we may be of service and use the knowledge we have gathered for the benefit of others and thus also ourselves. In this way we are able “to direct or influence the behavior of others or the course of events” and act in a powerful way. This force of change will often manifest in a physical way, moving obstacles that would prevent what is needed most from reaching who/what is in need.

There is a raw fierceness about Power and un-relentless quality that gnaws down to the bone of the matter taking nourishment from what would otherwise be unyielding. It evokes fear in many as being an unworthy companion to humility. And, it is this fear that becomes the food of addition that misplaced Power feeds upon, as we have witnessed from the many tryants who have claimed it cloaked in the aberrant expression of their Ego. And, for those who have refined their baser nature, this fierceness bellows out in the cries of freedom and justice for those who have lost their power. The addiction spreads and infuses the weak with the life’s blood of strength of desire and will and the uprising begins that heralds a new and more peaceful day.

Standing in a place of Power is to acknowledge the effect of your very existence in the vast sea of living energy and to draw attention to the singular drop that is your contribution to the depths of that cosmic ocean. To be Powerful/filled is to expand that energy reaching out, evolving and growing from a center that is intentionally Willful and Divinely expressive in its nature.

How will you claim your POWER?

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Last week’s post took a look at the numbers 0-4 and their energetic signatures. Let’s continue with numbers 5-9.

Five – 5
Change will only occur when the foundation is disrupted and pushed
to its limits of growth

The number Five (5) represents the regenerative process and the potential for directing that energy towards a specific and defined goal of new creation. When we arrive at the number five, we have opened up the stable base of four; visualize a square. Something has disrupted the order of that four and made way for a new form to appear. We see also the number five as represented by the Pentagram. Five points, each reflective of a quality of an element (fire, water, air and earth) and at the pinnacle or point, the element of Spirit.

Visually the shape of a 5-sided shield gives additional meaning to the energy of the number 5. The tip or point of the shield may be pointed in any direction and used as a singular focus point of the energy that has been supported in the four sides. This is the action of five as we set our course of focus on a specific end point and by the catalytic nature of will this energy naturally disrupts, changes and sets about a new path.

The planetary energy of the number five is Mercury. Mercury is the Lord of communication in all of its forms. Speech, art, music, writing, etc… all are held within the energy of Mercury. The infamous effects of a Mercury retrograde speak of failure of technological and human communications. Warnings to read the fine print before signing contracts or entering into agreements and misunderstandings and arguments seem to increase during this time period. This type of activity is an expression of the energy of polarity that is held within Mercury. Communication stirs the energy and starts new conversations which if productively acted upon disrupt the status quo and move into new creations that hold the potential for great achievements.

Read more about Mercury:
The Temple of Mercury- What’s Up

Astrology: The House of Creativity – Creative Efforts and the Resultant Products

This is the astrological house that provides the energy to reform what has been brought into manifestation as it progressed through Houses 1-4. This is the place of emergence from the Fourth House of Family and if there was sufficient care and nurturing, easing into the transition of moving away from that stable place of home will be one of creative adventure.

The ruling sign of the Fifth House is Virgo whose energy is analytical, detail-oriented and very specific about what passes its tests. Virgo is an Earth sign so what is set upon to be reordered will either be directly of the physical realm or will have end result and impact in the concrete world. Virgo is the stabilizer of the Zodiacal Wheel and without the stability of a reliable and useful container, creation will not reach its fullest potential.

Tarot: The Hierophant

Tarot Key V – The Hierophant sits as representative of Divinity within the container of humanity and corporeal form. The number of this key- 5- holds the mystery of how that union is fostered and retained once expressed. Five is the number of disruption, emerging from the foundations of four equilateral and equally supportive sides. The Hierophant is testament to the ability to retain the merciful attitude of the manifest and act in service to the creative energies of the Divine. In this sense, The Hierophant and all who aspire to this state of being have done the work of drawing all of the elemental parts of self into a place of mastery and it is from this mastery that is birthed the enlivened sixth element of a Spirit of gnosis.

Qabalah: Geburah – Might

It is with the precision of a surgeon’s scalpel or the more radical aggression of the soldier wielding the sword that the imbalance of disease or disharmony of unchecked (unrestrained) power is excised, reshaped and transmuted by the catalytic energy of Geburah.

The sphere of Geburah is probably the most feared sphere on the Tree. It is also largely the most misunderstood or misinterpreted as its energy is fierce in nature, accepting nothing less than change and exerts a force that is transformative. Within the sphere of Geburah we are now faced with choice and free will. Geburah is the place of creating and exercising discernment. Knowing when to push the limits and how to create the necessary resistance to the surge of creativity that provides boundaries to create form from what has potential to become chaos. It is through this process of movement, force, challenge, obstacle and friction that we have the greatest potential for growth and greater free will of a higher frequency that is inherently Divine in nature.


Six – 6
I have felt the waters of chaos and birthed what will flow
harmoniously and fully enlivened as its product

Within the energy of the number Six (6) lies the harmonious relationship between the essential trinity and the spiritually amplified Trinity of Higher expression. As we work within a state of balance and sincerity of action designed towards the higher good for all we move towards a place of spiritual enlightenment. This is the call to bring into harmony and collaborative interaction the synthesized product of harmonious expression. If we think of the birthing process, the act of labor and giving birth is one that moves you from the comfort of body and mind. Emotions run high and the energy expended means pushing to the limits what is normal baseline of strength and endurance. Pain, fatigue and much more are companions in the process of bringing life into the manifest realm.

But, the exhilaration, joy and harmony of all the senses that were stretched beyond capacity erase any discomfort that occurred previously. All is forgotten in the bliss of looking at this tiny form of human life that is dependent on your stability, care and love for its survival. This is the quintessential energy of the number 6. The place of calm and rest and realization of union of a triune nature that has co-created with that which is like itself in Divinity.

The planetary energy of the number six is Venus. The planet Venus was called Phosphorus by the Greeks which translates to “Lightbearer” and Nogah in Hebrew which means “The Shiner”. Venus shines most brightly in the sky in the morning. This is the gift of attraction that the planet of Love exudes. The energy of Venus is that of beauty, harmony and awakening the emotional self. It is the heart that yearns for romance and connection. This energy supports social interaction and the overwhelming goal is to connect at a deep and often intimate level with those of our choosing.

Read More about Venus:
The Temple of Venus-Learning to Love

Astrology: The House of Service – Career and Community

This is the astrological house that opens the pathways for seeing and responding to what is outside of your personal needs. This is the House that provides the energy that will inspire you towards a path of service that may be expressed through career choice (as in the case of health professionals) or in Community (as in the case of volunteers). Its ruling sign is Libra, the sign of balance and refinement. This means that choices will be weighed and measured for efficacy and selection will be made based upon the aesthetics that may be achieved. If we return to the idea of the harmonious expression of the number 6- is it not a joyous and harmonious state to be enraptured by an action or object of beauty? Now, to clarify I am not necessarily speaking of physical beauty, for beauty truly is held in the eye of the beholder. This is beauty that is transcendent and stirs the longing within to connect and be at one with others giving of yourself as the bridge of connection.

Tarot: The Lovers

Tarot Key VI – The Lovers speak of the power of duality, relationship and the harmonious union of opposites. Their union is blessed by the Higher power of the Limitless All and the solar fires of quickening are ready at the support to create progeny from their union. The energy of the 6th Key is one of the need for the intent of creation in application upon what holds the central core of the whole stable and in a state of balance. It is through this harmonious collaboration that separation of the two incoming energies and recognition of their differing states of expression become precisely configured for use.

Qabalah: Tiphareth – Beauty

The sphere of Tiphareth is the central core of the Self. It both emanates its sustaining and strengthening energy and also serves to contract, assimilate and quicken. This energy is magnetic in nature and as it absorbs and draws towards itself, it simultaneously releases, distributes and emits the newly transformed energy. This action is very similar to the process of the heart within the physiology of our being. The heart serves to cleanse and purify the blood for recycling and release to those vital areas that are reached via the elaborate network of vein and artery. This action puts the body in a state of attunement, so that the vital nutrients may be received and the body will remain viable, strong and healthy in function. Tiphareth acts as the place of attunement and synthesis of return and release whereby the energies of the other spheres have a place of common meeting ground to blend and distribute in accord with the specific needs of balance and equilibrium.

Tiphareth is not only the place of deeper connection but it takes that connection further in the call to be “fully present”. Fully present in the sense of the bright light of the sun shining on you, moving you into the spotlight and making you accountable not only for showing up to do the work, but to do so in an illuminated and fully enlivened way.


Seven – 7
I have gained experience from the lessons I have sought
and now the paths are many upon which I may seek higher knowledge

Within the energy of the number  Seven (7) lay the many paths of higher expression and development. Seven is the number of the Pleiades, the number of the Elder Planets of Astrology, the Seven Sacred Vowels and the Seven Major Chakras within the subtle bodies. This is also the number of synthesis, having moved from the harmonious balance of the number six to a point of gathering all of those experiences into a place of multiple options and outcomes for further expression and exploration.

The planetary energy of the number seven is Neptune. Neptune brings with its energy the mystical and dreamy quality that serves as the deep wells that hold dreams of aspiration that prod us forward towards seeking answers. Neptune is considered the Higher amplification of Venus. If we consider this thought, Neptune then moves to a place of talking what we love and turning it into a true passion. Passion makes us eager to try new things and explore new roads. Passion allows us to rewrite the journey we are not aligned with. Passion helps us reach deeply and find what truly motivates us.

Read more about Neptune:
Lifting the Veil: Neptune Retrograde

Astrology: The House of Higher Learning – Teaching and Seeking the Teacher

The Seventh House is concerned with providing opportunity. If we have learned from our lessons we are able to recognize even the smallest of opportunities and take the first steps down a new road of exploration. Remember, nothing in the forest is as it seems. We often find the greatest treasures by going off the beaten path and making our own trails that others will use as their point of first experience. When we reach beyond what we think we know we become the teachers of those that come behind. When we have the courage of admitting what we don’t know, this is when the Teacher is revealed.

Tarot: The Chariot

Tarot Key VII – The Chariot represents the duality of constraint and the control of restraint. This image offers much information about the tug and pull that is required to come to a point of control when two very dynamic principles are at work. The charioteer must establish and then subsequently claim his dominion over what would pull him in direction of its own accord. The two sphinxes expressing the balance of man and beast, light and dark, male and female stand as pillars awaiting the direction of what oversees their actions.

Qabalah: Netzach – Victory

The sphere of Netzach is the place of establishing the balance of hedonistic and aesthetic ideals. Love is the primary focus, but not at the expense of over indulgence in physical pleasure. This is also the place of expression of Love of Nature in all of her forms. The connection between beauty and the energies that are contained within the force of Nature is a strong one. Even in the Natural world’s more disruptive expression, the order and intelligence in design applied in her shaking free from her mantle those disruptions of energy is done with a sense of order, intent and aestheticism.


Eight – 8
I came upon a Path of choosing and although the promise was great for learning my own nature I must first go back to the beginning and build the foundations anew

The number Eight (8) represents the mastery over one’s self through the sacrifice of contraction and expansion. This is the journey of holding and funneling what has desire to reach beyond itself and the ultimate need for release into a state of expansive formlessness. This is the point of sacrifice of what one has gathered to oneself through experience and seeking and trusting that it will become the container that provides structure for further expansion. This is the number that is the doubling of the stability and foundation expressed by the number four. It is the mirroring of two bases of four sides that reflect back to one another in perfect symmetry. And, when these two platforms of stability reflected as above, so below, unite the cube of creation is enabled.

The planetary energy of the number eight is Saturn. Saturn is the Lord of Time and the energy of structure as held by the Gates of Time. Another of Saturn’s function is that of contraction, and linear time is one of the greatest restrictors of natural flow. The Roman god Saturn is strongly influenced by the Greek God, Cronus. The word Cronus is related to “chronos” which means time. Saturn, astrologically, is the “Keeper of Time”, and brings maturity, wisdom, and simplicity to people over time. It is human nature to be impatient and aware of time in a way that is not always productive. Developing “patience” in these matters opens an awareness of the infinite nature of things. It is with great patience and care that a mother nurtures and teaches her young, with the hopes that as time passes they will heed the lessons well and move forward through time in health, joy and growth.

Astrology: The House of Transformation and Endings – Death and Rebirth

The Eighth House is concerned with what lay hidden in the shadows of the subconscious that we are fearful to bring into the Light. This is also the space where the greatest transformation takes place once we allow the process of death to allow the necessary release of what we hold on to that keeps us from growth. The ruling astrological sign is that of Scorpio. Scorpio is the sign of extremes and if we consider the cyclical nature of the number eight, the dynamics of Scorpio’s intensity runs the gamut from the deep subconscious of the Scorpion to the lofty heights of the renewed and reborn Phoenix.

Tarot: Strength

Tarot Key VIII – Strength represents the eternal nature of conquering what could otherwise overpower our more civilized nature. The number eight and the image of the lemniscate over the head of the feminine principle gives indication of the timelessness of this pursuit. Most spiritual practices work to develop the refined nature of humanity and often this work includes facing those aspects of ourselves which would be considered more primal, fierce and baser in nature. The energy of this key lies in the ability to tame through gentle action what remains part of our baser nature. There is great strength in knowing when the fiercer aspects of ourselves justifiably will serve a better purpose, but we cannot effectively control those appetites if we have not first acknowledged and embraced them.

Qabalah: Hod – Glory

The sphere of Hod is one of Pure Reason and Logic that has not yet been refined and balanced by heart and emotion. Its function is to make Order of the Universe through objective reasoning and higher thought. Within its rationale and reasoning are the tools that may be used in discovering the deeper mystery contained within information. It is through the crystal clarity of pristine thinking that enables a better and more efficient means of communicating what knowledge has been extracted.

Nine – 9
The cycles of my new foundation revealed the Gate of Initiation and
I stepped through unafraid of the transformation that
that became the brilliance of my new Self

The number Nine (9) relates to death and rebirth, acting as the gate of movement into a new state of being. It is purposeful regeneration of what has been purified and emboldened by the process of release. And, it is in this state of self-awareness, inner light and true wisdom that we are made ready to begin the work of returning to the place of beginning. This is the number that carries us into the darkness so that we may find ourselves in the light. This is the number that decrees that change will occur whether it is welcomed with surrender or fought with all of our might. It is from the number nine that we test our strengths and refine our weaknesses as we cross the threshold of our own glory.

The planetary energy of the number nine is Mars. This is the combustible force that propels new growth forward. It is justifiable assertion of itself that puts the plan in motion and irrational aggressiveness that serves as the tantrum of a child wanting attention and not receiving what is needed, before they can move on to their next creative project. Mars is the corrector of Imbalance, the ultimate equalizer. It is the energy behind a War that strives to bring an end to war, simply because sometimes that is the only way to override a power that is being misused. Anger, aggression and assertiveness are often viewed in our society as being inappropriate and negative behaviors. However, if there were not the fueling of the energetic fires of anger towards the atrocities of child abuse, female mutilation and other social injustices, these injustices and ill-used power plays would go unnoticed and unchanged. The fiery light of Mars shines brightly and brings into the central heat of the flame that which needs transformation.

To read more about Mars:
Spark’s Flying- Mars Alignment

Astrology: The House of Transformation and Endings – Death and Rebirth

The Ninth House is concerned with those things that make us whole after we have been taken apart, analyzed and refined. This is the house of death, both physical and metaphysical and the blessings of rebirth await all who step into the darkness of the unknown. The ruling astrological sign of the ninth house is Sagittarius. This is the sign of outreach and expansion through personal and communal connection. As we reach beyond our own limitations and perceptions of doubt we become fully realized in our place as part of the greater collective of humanity.

Tarot: The Hermit

Tarot Key IX – The Hermit turns within to communicate with the Higher nature of his being to better analyze and come to a place of informed enlightenment. This tarot key serves as the point of accountability The Hermit gives heed to the need for moving into the darkness of soul’s intent before movement into light and balance may be achieved. The Divine light of SELF serves as the lantern of guide and what is sacrificed within the sanctuary of the Hermit becomes the conscience of will that lights the way for its highest expression.

Qabalah: Yesod – Foundation

Yesod is the sphere of dreams, fantasies, memory and the dwelling place of true magick. This sphere holds the key to the unknown and the unknowable. Yesod is known as the “Treasure House of Symbols”. It is here that the Akashic records, which are said to contain the memory and experiences of every living being are held within the substance of Aether (spirit). This attribute alone can give rise to illusion, false conceptions and a deluded sense of Soul’s purpose. It is a world of shadow and illusion; being held in a state of “in-between”. Yesod resonates to the sacral chakra and as such is the plane of sexuality and the potential underlying each act of coupling. It is the fertile breeding ground for all future spiritual development.


And, so it begins anew….

Ten – 10
I crossed through the Gate and emerged not alone for I carried with me
the truth of my beginnings and the knowledge of my final end

The number Ten (10) is the place of restarting the numerical cycles, now doubled, enhanced and amplified by another number at its side. In this case, we have the singular one, the individual and the limitless nature of zero, which is both receipt from the All and collaboration with all that has been and will be. It is Matter of physical form (1) and the Spirit of the Limitless All (0) joined in effort.

In Conclusion:

Numerology is a fascinating subject that has so many layers of correspondence everything it is applied to becomes more dynamic in the underpinnings of its energy. Once you have some of the basics down, forming your own conclusions and deepening levels of understanding comes as easily as 1-2-3! LOL!

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Last week’s post gave you some basic information about how to use Numerology for personal analysis. The next two posts will focus on the numbers O – 9 and their energies as esoteric tools. I’ve included some corresponding information about each number and its relevance to Astrology, Tarot and Qabalah. There are multiples layers of meaning in each of these systems and this series of articles is only meant to whet your appetite for deeper study.

A note about the planetary correspondences: Although you may find different attributions, those used here are those most commonly used in Numerology.

Zero – O

Cycles, void, the limitless ALL, womb of creation and the Gate of the Divine

The number O is the beginning and ending of all things. It is the energy of cycles and as such is the container of the great void from which life begins anew. We could think of the number O as being the Divine all or the Limitless All that stretches out in expanse. Looking at the shape and curve the number presents as an invitation to enter through the center point of its opening. The mystery is held in what may emerge from the “other side” as there is always the balance of receipt and release. Moving around the circumference offers the reminder of the cycles in all things, but each revolution is slightly different than what has transpired previously and each new offers the adventure of the unknown.

I think of the zero as holding the potential for whatever I may wish to manifest through the assistance of what is seen and the vast expanse of the unseen. The circumference offers the boundary of container, flexible and resilient in its continuity. And what is held within that boundary reaches into planes of existence that may only be experienced by calling them forth into the reality of the now.

Tarot: The Fool

Tarot Key O – The Fool is the first of the Major Arcana cards. His is the limitless starting point of creation and the limitless source of all life. The Fool moves forth trusting that all will be as it should and that there is no need to fear stepping into the unknown. The energy is that of ultimate faith and by the vision of this Faith all barriers are removed and the Divine flow steps into the potential of its own being.

One – 1

The singular “I”, the individual, the line of continuum, energy held and gathered back to itself

The number One (1) is the first product of what was a void of potential (O/zero). It is the singular point and the individual place of new beginnings and energetic growth. From the place of the One is the straight path from which at any point of that path divergence, split and detour can be taken. I think of one as being the singular “I”. This singular “I” is man/woman in his prime form and depending on the spiritual evolutionary state of that man/woman it is either Higher, Lower or combined Selves. This is the state of awareness of your own ‘beingness’ before embellishment or enhancement, relationship or possession, outward identifiers or things that would define you as something more than the prime nature of yourself. Additionally, because the number “one” is the starting place it is also the energy of action and taking steps towards the product of that action.

The planetary energy of the Sun is attributed to the number One. The Sun is the central and prominent cosmic body of our universe. It is life giver by virtue of its heat and the place of quickening or beginning for much of life on our planet. It is the electromagnetic force that if we venture too close we are blinded by the blinding light and heat that pervades. This is similarly the same principle of our own Divine state of being. In truth we are as bold and enblazened as the Sun itself, but as humans in physical form we fail to realize the brilliance of our inner state.

The goal is one of actualizing the self and ego to shine as brightly as the Sun in human form and draw to itself the boons of all that surrounds.

In looking at the shape and form of the number l, it is not difficult to visualize the concept of a singular point reaching downwards towards extension as the other point of origin reaches upwards towards expansion. Each point of origin blends seamlessly into a single line of continuous movement of return and release that holds within its structure the potential for movement in any direction and creation of something new. In the sphere of Kether it is exactly this nature that creates the continuum of ITSELF, expressed through the division of ITSELF.

Astrology: The House of Self (The Ascendant)- Personality and Ego

This is the astrological house that provides the energy that is the core of who you are and how you relate to the world. Our rising sign (always in the First House) is the true you; stripped naked and in all your glory and vulnerability. Its ruling sign is Aries which is the fire of new beginnings and the catalyst that offers enthusiastic curiosity to all of its endeavors. Aries is the one that desires attention and as the start of the Zodiacal Wheel brings the youth of invincible action to all it touches.

Tarot: The Magician

Tarot Key I – The Magician is the conduit of wielding the flow of universal energy from the ephemeral realms of the Divine and the manifest foundations of the Physical world. We see within the Magician the ability and knowledge to effectively create drawing from the universal laws that govern the magickal and the mundane. There is composure and assuredness in this power, yet the realization that he as well is subject to the transformative energies he is choosing to be vessel for. This is a state of control that has been finely honed and exacted with just the precise amount of force and form to produce the product of power and magick. The Magician is the interface that we hold within that contains all that is needed to produce new life and new form of Being. But, its energy may only be accessed when the all of the tools (parts of self) are acquired and mastered.

Qabalah: Kether – Crown

Kether stands as the First Sphere on the Tree of Life. Within the energy of the number 1 is not only the place of singularity, but also a foundation from which the potential to replicate and create in its own diffuse image is contained. It is the beginning and also the point of completion and there is choice to be made regarding that status. It may stay inert and alone or may choose to seek out, diversify and through the ending of its singular nature move towards polarity and duality.

It is from the springboard of the number ONE that TWO and the inherent energy of relationship and comparison is formed.

Two – 2
Collaborative effort- moving beyond the “I” to “we”- duality and polarity that results

The number Two (2)  is the keynote of collaborative effort that feeds polarity and divisiveness. We have moved from a place of the singular “I” to a yearning and urge to interact, divide and expand in the creation of another that is similar, yet different. In this dance of relationship, the opportunity to develop kindness, concern, harmony and balance is fostered. There is now something more than just beginnings and the urge towards action. There is now something to be acted upon and with. Under the influence of the number Two there is a push towards release from indecisiveness and the consideration of the influence and affect to be had by not making a choice.

The planetary energy of the Moon is attributed to the number Two. The Moon presents its energies in a manner of ebb and flow. The emotions (Lunar), if in collaboration with the strength of clarity of thought (The Sun), are powerful points from which all manner of manifestation and creativity are brought forth. The coolness and dark cover of night Moon offers counterpoint and contrast to the heat and light of the Sun.

Astrology: The House of Possessions/Finances

This is the astrological house that provides your place of manifest anchor and stability based on what you have secured for yourself of worldly goods. These things acquired create the building blocks that will become the space of home as they shore up towards the Fourth house of family. This energy is expressed through its ruling astrological Sign of Taurus. Taurus is the protector and procreator that holds its earthy energy as home base to be filled with all that a physical life positively provides.

Tarot: The High Priestess

Tarot Key II -The High Priestess sits in the Temple of the Moon and takes on the triune form of catalytic energy and transformation. She sits in the space of action as the Middle Pillar incarnate as synthesized balance of male and female, force and form. Her knowledge of the mysteries is honed in the waters of deep intuitive knowledge and her persona is that of the cycle of the moon. The High Priestess serves as reminder of the need for spiritual devotion and discipline as guardian of the great mysteries of life itself. In her feminine form she represents the power to sustain newly quickened life and stands as the ultimate gate of passage towards return to the source of creation.

Qabalah: Chokmah – Wisdom

Chokmah is the Second Sphere on the Tree of Life. Within the energy of Chokmah lies the desire for co-creative effort. This is movement from a singular place to one of experiencing the energy of another. It can also be thought of in terms of sacrificing parts of oneself to make another and making space and container to hold that other thing while retaining that part which created it. It is awareness that there is something beyond yourself and the yearning and striving for creating another to act and be acted upon.

Two merge to become one and from that sacred union of contraction and expansion the Three of creative form is birthed.

Three – 3

The point of trinity or third that is created from the friction and combined effort of the two

Within the energy of the number Three (3) is the structure of harmony and the triune nature that forms the three-sided triangle of fire, action and will. Additionally, each component offers a different perspective or dynamic to contribute to that outpour. Three faces, each in support of the other yet one in the same and emanating from the One. Each of these energies works collaboratively with one another in the creative effort of new growth. We find multiple references to the Trinity in spiritual practice. These are but a few:

Maiden, Mother Crone
Youth, Father, Sage
Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva
Father, Son,Holy Ghost

The planetary energy of the number three is Jupiter. Jupiter is the largest planet in the Solar System and it is this expansive quality that is necessary in seeking a third from the union of the two. Jupiter’s force is one of an over-reaching quality that extends itself far and wide with the intent of covering as much ground as possible. This is done with the intent of sorting through the multiple options presented until finding the one that will be most productive. Considering the energy of Jupiter as it lends its force to any creative endeavor there is great potential for moving beyond what was initially thought possible and creating something entirely new carried forward by the intent fueled at its place of origins.

Astrology: The House of Self- Expression/Presentation

This is the astrological house that defines what you possess and what manner of expression it takes. You have moved from the singular identification of the Self (1st House) and began the process of acquisition of items that create the outer persona of who you perceive yourself to be. Now, arriving at the Third House you have the appropriate external objects that can be the methods you use to communicate who you are. The ruling astrological sign is that of Gemini; the master communicator.

Tarot: The Empress

Tarot Key III – The Empress is the Mother of all life. She sits in quiet repose and strength in the verdant landscape of her own domain. She is the sexual energy that is ripe being both pregnant in her fertility and exquisite in the afterglow of promised union. The Empress offers the vision of what will become and will bear fruit from her union with the masculine polarity and the manifest and spiritual fruits this union will yield. She is the promise of continued life and expression of that life in all of the elemental worlds over which she reigns supreme.

Qabalah: Binah – Understanding

Binah is the Third Sphere on the Tree of Life. Within the energy of Binah we find the Mother and Divine Creatrix; who contains within herself the archetypal womb through which all life is has potential to be made manifest. It is the nature of the male to provide the seed of life, but it is the feminine principle that gives it life, provides the space for gestation and ultimately releases the manifest form into existence or being. It is that feminine principle that holds the primal form within the womb that is both void and full. The vessel that holds nothing also provides the space and potential for it to be filled.

And, the Three needed a structure of foundation and stability from which to grow and seed its harmonious wisdom.

Four – 4

Opening the point of support to a place of foundation, equanimity and force in a balanced state

The number Four (4) represents structure and is the basis of foundation, solidity of form and function and endurance or permanence. Four indicates change (as in the four seasons), versatility (as in the four elements) and a nice solid equi-sided base upon which to build from those changes a versatile nature of enduring qualities. This is the energy that can endure as pressure is put upon it internally and externally.

The planetary energy of Uranus is the planet associated with the number Four. Prior to inclusion of the 3 outer planets, the Sun served double duty for the numbers 1 and 4. Its quality is that of pure energy and catalytic stream that pulses life into everything it encounters. This energy serves to bring to light the varied ways that structure may be created as it draws to itself magnetically (similar to the energy of the Sun) everything that will bolster a structure that will support in a stimulating way.

Astrology: The House of Family

The Fourth House is concerned with those you call family. These are your biological family as well as those who you may consider to be your family of nurturance. This is the energy of the home life and those who are supportive. The ruling astrological sign is that of Cancer. Cancer is the quintessential representation of desire for a loving and supportive home. Its natural energy is one of comfort and creation of a home that is both sanctuary and place of caring community. When we are blessed with this type of support it becomes the foundation that enables us to reach out to others from a place of understanding and love.

Tarot: The Emperor

Tarot Key IV – The Emperor sits as merciful authority and king needing nothing but his own Divine wisdom to guide his actions. This energy gives insight into the discipline required to sit as master of one’s own destiny. All actions taken are reflected back to the Emperor and his final authority determines the force and quality of what that final seed of potential will become as it is transformed by merciful action.

Qabalah: Chesed- Mercy

Chesed is the Fourth Sphere. Within its energy is the ability to see thee bigger picture and make informed judgment based upon that vision. This is the action of Mercy when it relies upon a broader perspective from which to draw its conclusions.
Everything depends upon this precarious balance of equi-lateral view that hangs on the tip of the blade that will determine its final outcome. The essence of the fourth sphere of Chesed is one of achieving a state of balance through compassion, mercy and right action.

The Four pushes and strains expanding and seeking the sweet product of change as the orderly disruption breaks through as Five………

Tipping Point:
Don’t forget to write these numbers down in your journal. Formulate your own conclusions based upon what you know so far. Remember to intuit your way through these numbers. You will refer back to them.

In the next post:
5 – 9: The Esoteric Meanings of the Numbers

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Last week’s post gave you a broad overview of the process of calculation used in numerology and some of the ways this practice may be used. This week the focus will be on using numerology as a tool to gain deeper insight into the personal you. Much like astrology, there are certain inherent characteristics that are a “possibility” for your use and development. These “possibilities” present as the specific energy that is surrounding when we are born, named and at other pivotal points during our lives. To review:

“When using names rather than numbers to make a determination, each letter has a numeric value that provides a related cosmic vibration (look at the end of the post for letter values). The sum of the numbers in your birth date and the sum of value derived from the letters in the name provide an interrelation of vibrations. These numbers show a great deal about character, purpose in life, what motivates, and where talents may lie.”

Those who use numerology as a predictive tool use the numbers to determine the best time for major moves and activities in life. Numerology can be used to decide when to invest, when to marry, when to travel, when to change jobs, or relocate and for any other predictive possible outcome about which the querent seeks information.

There are six aspects of your personal numerology that we’ll take a more in depth look at the esoteric meanings of the calculated numbers.

• The Life Path/Lesson
• The Birthday Number
• The Expression Number
• The Soul Urge Number
• Your Inner Dreams Number
• The Personal Year Number

If you find that numerology resonates with you, consider dedicating a journal to this study so you can record our personal information and any impressions, insights or other you may come across as we look at the individual numbers. This, like most esoteric studies (Astrology, Qabalah, etc..), is an ongoing process that unfolds in a series of many years of observation and research. Continued work with the numbers and occasional meditation on the deeper vibratory meanings and essence of each number will yield surprising results that give you a deeper knowledge of your own energetic and vibratory patterns.

To Begin:

• Write out your full birth name (or name you most often are referred to; as in the case of a married woman).
• Write out your birth date

Using my information as example:

Robin Candace Fennelly (nee: Grayson*) * I am using my married surname since it has been my surname for 34 of my 58 years.

Born: February 2.1956

The Life Path or Life Lesson Number
You Are…

The Life Path is the sum of the birth date. This number represents who you are at birth and the native traits that you will carry with you through life. The Life Path describes the nature of this journey through life.

2 + 2 + 1+9+5+6 = 25/2+5 = 7

The Birthday Number
You Have …

The birthday is a supporting influence added to the Life Path. Think of it as a modifier to the Life Path. These are traits that you brought into this life much as with the more important and dominating traits shown by the Life Path. Here is your birthday and the modifying traits shown by it:

2 (the 2nd day of February)


The Expression Number
You Must…..

A number derived from all of the letters in your FULL BIRTH NAME make up what is called the Expression or Destiny number. This is the number that describes the talents and attitudes at your disposal in this lifetime, if you choose to develop and use them. This is sometimes referred to as your potential or destiny. Living up to attributes of this number may not be easy, but it is your goal in the here and now. It is your life’s purpose, spiritual mission, and your field of opportunity.

Use the chart below to determine your Expression Number:
…..1 = A J S
…..2 = B K T
…..3 = C L U
…..4 = D M V
…..5 = E N W
…..6 = F O X
…..7 = G P Y
…..8 = H Q Z
…..9 = I R

R O B IN                               C A N D A C E                          F E N N E L L Y
9+6+2+9+5                     3+1+5+4+1+3+5               6+5+5+5+5+3+3+7
31                   +                          22                      +                        39 =
 92/ 9+2 = 11** A master number


The Soul Urge
You Most Want….

The Soul Urge or as it is sometimes called, the heart’s desire, is an important core influence in numerology. This number is made up from the vowels (a, e, i, o and u) in your full birth name just as it is recorded on your birth certificate.
R O B I N                             C A N D A C E                               G R A Y S O N
6 + 9                                           1 + 1 + 5                                              1 + 6
15                        +                         7                               +                       7 =
 29/ 2+9 = 11**


Your Inner Dreams
You Wish You ……

The sum of the consonants in your name relates to a secret dream, your inner desires, or maybe even fantasies. This number may be so strong in your subconscious that you even project the trait as a personality mask. It is who you wish to become or how you would project yourself in the world, if not for ?????

R O B I N                      C A N D A C E                G R A Y S O N

9 + 2 + 5                           3 + 5+4 + 3                   7+9 + 7+1 + 5
16                   +                    15                   +                 29=
     60/6+0 = 6

**Master Numbers are those that are not reduced. These are the ultimate expression of the core value of the particular number such as 11-22-33-44


The Personal Year Number

This number is calculated using your birth date and the current year. The resultant number gives clue as to how and what energies may present or flow through your year. Knowing this can offer opportunities to refine, transform and embrace those aspects of yourself and your life. For example, my number for this year would be:

2.2 2014
2 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 4 = 11 **

Don’t forget to write these numbers down in your journal. You will refer back to them.

In the next post:
0 – 9: The Esoteric Meanings of the Numbers

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The Continuum

Nothing and everything
The endless void fills all time

One moves in the silence
Stretching and reaching
Towards the other as Two
Swiftly take flight.

They mingle and join
Each claiming their own side
So Three may point the way.
Each base stretched far and wide.

Foundations are laid
By another close at hand
Who opens the Four sealed Gates.
Disruption and creative force
Issues forth as the skillfully crafted
Shield of focus reflects the Five.

The light is fixed
The seeker is found
As outpour of healing grace
Gives way to the
Harmonious Six.

Each walks a path of experience
Pulling and gathering from
Vista’s extremes.
Wisdom and lessons hard won
Fill what moves within.

As Six expands to become Seven
The meandering web that
Connects becomes entwined.
A continuum of dual
Portal opening and Eight
The final climax of force contained.

Like amoebas they move and
Wiggle and stretch and pull
And strain until the
Tension and release
Catapult them over
The initiatory threshold of
Death’s Nine Gates.

All scatter and disperse
Once again seamlessly
Part of the void of the All

Once again the singular One rises
Reaching out towards its
Newly quickened mate.

Numerology is the study of numbers, and the mystical manner in which they reflect the specific energies wherever they are put to application. In the interpretation of an individual the numbers of the birth date, name or other auspicious dates indicate certain aptitudes and characteristic tendencies. When we use numerology to calculate the optimal time for a magickal working or spiritual event, we can access the energy of the day/date and harness it in direction towards what we wish to manifest. I use numerology frequently to eek out more information that can be used to give greater insight to what that day may hold as potential.

When using names rather than numbers to make a determination, each letter has a numeric value that provides a related cosmic vibration ( look at the end of the post for letter values). The sum of the numbers in your birth date and the sum of value derived from the letters in the name provide an interrelation of vibrations. These numbers show a great deal about character, purpose in life, what motivates, and where talents may lie. Experts in numerology use the numbers to determine the best time for major moves and activities in life. Numerology is used to decide when to invest, when to marry, when to travel, when to change jobs, or relocate.

Pythagoras, the Greek mathematician who lived from 569-470 B.C., is said by many to be the originator of much of what we call numerology today. Although, if we look back at the emphasis placed on the relationship and mystical energy of numbers related to the Kabbalah(Qabalah), we see that the use of numerology in some form dates back to being a very ancient art of interpretation.

Almost every counting system in the world is based upon the numbers 1 through 9. Each of those digits has its own particular meaning. Numerology is the method of reducing names and dates to special numbers that reveal character, quality and cycles of the person or thing being examined. It is a method we use to find the strengths and lessen the frustration of the limitations of our weaknesses.

The Process of determining the number(s) for evaluation is done by the method of reducing the given numbers to a single digit. For example one of my daughter’s birth date is March 20.1990. To calculate her birth number the process would look like this:

March = 3 (month) + 2+0 (day) + 1+9+9+0
Add all of the numbers together = 24
Reduce it to a single number = 2+4 = 6

6 is the number I would use as their birth number and I would base my interpretation on the dynamics and energies of the number “6”. Simple, huh!

The Basic Interpretation of the Numbers 0-9:

0 Cycles, void, the limitless ALL, womb of creation and the Gate of the Divine
1 The singular “I”, the individual, the line of continuum, energy held and gathered back to itself
2 Collaborative effort- moving beyond the “I” to “we”- duality and polarity that results
3 The point of trinity or third that is created from the friction and combined effort of the two
4 Opening the point of support to a place of foundation, equanimity and force in a balanced state
5 The shield whose tip may be directed by Will to disrupt, change and set in motion
6 Doubled trinity, intersecting energies of descent and ascent, mirrored image of creative product
7 Carrying forward the lessons learned, the paths taken and the reconvening of the triune
8 The lemniscate, foundation (4) uplifted to become the container, receipt and release
9 Threshold /gate to endings and completion with potential for new fully in-formed beginnings


We’ll talk about this in the next post:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Practical Application

A Little July 4th Fun: The Numerology

July 4

In the United States, July 4th is a holiday celebrating independence and freedom. I would like to use these two words as keywords for the day regardless of where you are located in the World.

The numerology of the day (this year) is: 9
July = 7 (month) + 4 (day) + 2+0+1+4 (year) = 18 = 1+8 = 9

The number – 9 – relates to endings that make way for new beginnings, thresholds of new experience and maximum opportunity for transformation and change. Let’s apply the energy of a nine day to the themes of independence and freedom. This is my personal declaration for the day:

I will initiate change in my perceptions of the freedom I allow myself to open fully to all of my spiritual practices. I will change the dependence I have on other’s opinions of my personal growth and declare my state of independence to appreciate my self-created magick. I will allow this freedom of “will to change” to be the catalyst that brings new life to my spiritual path. And, I will freely give of my renewed and transformed self as I step through the gates of newly informed potential, bursting forth in the light of my victory in claiming the freedom to be the best me possible.

Next Week: Using Numerology for Personal Discovery

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