
Archive for November, 2010


Yesterday I learned of the passing of Shakmah Winddrum, a Master Teacher within the spiritual community and Director and Founder of the New Seed Sanctuary. She was the embodiment of “a Divine Being having a human experience”. To be in her presence was to feel the energy and wisdom of the ages surrounding you in such a way that a hunger and desire to live life to your fullest potential was stirred. She embraced life and The Great Work with fervor and dedication and her strength and courage served as a catalyst for any who were blessed to be in her presence and hear the words that were given.

I was not her student, but was privileged to attend several of her workshops and speak with her personally. Her energy and passion for the work that she dedicated every fiber of her being to flowed through her teachings and interactions. As with anything that one is greatly passionate about, there were certain standards that she expected if you were to walk this path of spirit and every action, word and intent along that path was held as sacred. If anything less was offered up, you experienced the wrath that can only be justifiably directed by one who knew that your potential was far greater than what you had shown.

Those who were her students have become bright lights within this world and the work that was begun together will forever live on through their dedication and teachings and those they in turn offer and teach that wisdom to. It is with sadness that we say good bye, but it is with joy that the memories and echoes of her teachings live on. And, it is with a grateful heart that I offer thanks to one who briefly but profoundly touched my spirit.

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The Hunger- Sagittarius


I stand on the horizon

senses keen to the

rhythm of life all around me.

I breathe in the world’s

offerings and send the

experience outward, always

looking towards the

sun and sky and that which

is said to be beyond my grasp.

To read more: Traveling Through the Stars

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The moon is Full in Taurus today and I am drawn to her call.  Sitting outside in the crisp cool November air and staring up in awe at the beauty of moon and cloud and night sky I am reminded once again of the energy and power of this action.  Although I try to get outside and under the presence of the moon’s energies on each full moon, often this is not possible . Partly because of living in a very urban setting and partly because of other duties and responsibilities that pull me in  other directions. So, my connection is generally inside in meditation and/or ritual.

But, on those evenings when I make it outside the connection, the celebration and the working of the lunar tides is held with a strength and burst of power and energy that indoor work pales in comparison to. And, so I sit in the full embrace of this moon’s fixed and earthy energy and allow its luminescence to wash over and through  me. I open to the velvety caress of  Mother Sky’s body wrapped over me and I open myself to the call of the lunar tides.

Make some time this week to sit in the beauty of the out doors. Welcome the warmth of Father Sun and cloak yourself in the mystery of Lady Moon. Rain, wind, snow, heat and fair weather are all of the Divine’s making. Sit in her splendor and reclaim your place in nature.  Blessings of a beautiful lunar night.


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Thoughts about what Devotion means to me have been percolating all week. Being type- A personality  and wanting to know, do and be everything-immediately, often makes me feel as though I am not doing enough at a personal level to express the Devotion and dedication I have for my chosen spiritual path. As I go through my journal type list of the ways I think I have supported that energy in the past, I am reminded also that it is the simple acts that often deliver the most payload. That Devotion doesn’t have to be elaborate and time consuming. It needs intent and consistency. And, most often it needs emotional participation and engagement.  This last lesson I have often struggled with as my natural tendency is head, logic and rationale. So, from these musings came the ideas below, that perhaps will encourage your own personal expression of the Path of Devotion.

Setting up an Altar dedicated to a specific Deity is a beautiful way to display your dedication and devotion to that particular Deity.  Acknowledging your Path and the work you have achieved on that Path as you sit in contemplative medication is an affirmation of your Devotion. Each time you spend a moment in thought about the magick that surrounds you, the marvel of your physical body and give thanks for those others who share your life generates the energetic pattern of Devotion. Just as the rose in the picture at the heading of this page shows, there are many chambers that are unfolding at any given moment. Some are hidden and others are there for all to see. But, all lead to the very center and heart of the flower. And it is by ever striving towards that center that we find the many ways that devotion forms and shapes our lives.

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The beginning of the Universe

Is the Mother of all things.

Knowing the Mother, one also knows the sons.

Knowing the sons, yet remaining in touch with the Mother,

Brings freedom from fear of death.

Keep your mouth shut,

Guard the senses, And life is ever full.

Open your mouth,

Always be busy,

And life is beyond hope.

Seeing the small is insight;

Yielding to force is strength.

Using the outer light , return to insight,

And in this way be saved from harm.

This is learning constancy.

– Tao Te Ching –

What lesson will you learn from the Universe this week?

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I sit in the reflection of HIS gaze,and rapture fills my being. The swirlings of cosmos and galaxy wind around me drawing my being into the vortex of formless unity. He looks upward and the light of a million stars pointedly glare back. Each flowing into its own rhythm of celestial course.

Musings on the Sphere of Chokmah

Available at: A Year Within the Tree of Life

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The Pagan Experience Monthly Gathering

A Space for Local Pagans to Meet, Socialize, Share, and Build Community

Inspirations of Life

Petals of Creative Change

78 Keys of Tarot

Opening the Gates of Inner Sight

Musings From the Mystic Path

A Monthly Newsletter published by Coven of the Mystic Path, ASW

From Psychic / Medium Danielle Egnew

The Call to Light Press - Spiritual Messages for Changing Times.

The Pagan Experience

Writings From the Pagan Community

Teachings on the Path

A Path of Continued Learning


Sharing My Love of Symbols



Magickally Human

A Blog of Experience


mindfulness, relaxation, thought provoking images and poems

300 stories

A continuing mission to produce flash fiction stories in 300 words (or less)