
2023 is just around the corner! Every year I share a tarot spread (or two) with everyone to seek information and awaken your intuitive senses to the possibilities of a brand new year.

The first offering is one that uses 12 cards, each covering an aspect of harmonious and balanced state of being. This spread was created for the 2022 year and the reduction applying numerology to the number “6” and its focus of harmony and balance. Although we are entering a number “7” year (2023=2+0+2+3=7), using this spread as a transition point of flow from 22 into 23 opens the way for the work of a year (#7) of exploring new paths and ways to learn and grow from this year’s experiences is always a good call.

Click on the link to learn more about this spread:

A Tarot Spread Seeking Harmony

The next Tarot spread aligns with each month and its astrological energy of the year. We use as the central anchor a card representing the energy of your Sun sign and another representing your Moon sign. You have the entire year to move through monthly and reveal what that month’s energy will contribute overall.

Click on the link to learn more about this spread:

A Year of Potential

Blessings of a year that brings you unlimited possibilities to thrive, learn and step into your personal power!

Just in Time for Yule… Enjoy!

A Witch's Sacred Journey

December 21.2022

Today I am posting the videos of the Two-part story I wrote several years ago in honor of the Winter Solstice and the magick it holds. This story has traditionally been part of the 19-Days of Illuminated Darkness Solstice countdown and many of you asked if this would be posted again for this year.

So, settle in and cozy up as you let your imagination take hold. And, blessings for the strength and renewal called into being as the Sun’s light begins its journey towards full and illuminated expression….

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I am posting these observations as a reminder and invitation to be gentle and kind with yourself and others as we navigate some challenging times. I am noticing and hearing in general, as well as out picturing in the election climate, an over stimulation for many in all aspects of their life and work. I am seeing this in my work place, dynamics between individuals breaking down and unproductive exchanges occurring. I am seeing this in conversations and dynamics within our communities. I am seeing this in my personal relationships. And, we all are seeing this on the local, national and global stages. 

Please consider this as a time to hold space for calming, clarity, compassion and an intention towards sending and receiving only that which is for the highest good of all concerned with harm to none. Please consider consciously “checking yourself” when you are feeling moments of agitation and quite frankly short circuiting. Hit the pause button before sending “that” email or speaking what is colored by the abundance of illusion being generated on all fronts right now.

I encourage you to not allow yourself to get caught up in the maelstrom of negativity and aggression that is very accessible to feed on and brings you into a state that is reactionary without giving thought to the larger impact as the volatile waters ripple out. 

Please take great care to keep yourselves anchored in those things that give you joy and are supportive of you remaining centered and grounded. Be in nature. Spend time with your loved ones that nurture you and for whom you can be a point of respite and renewal. Take a break from social media and the news, and don’t berate yourself as burying yoour head in the sand. Remember the directive always is to “put your mask on first” aka. anchor and ground in healthy engagement, if you wish to be of service to humanity.

Hold space for your highest self and let the rest of it blow past you. There is plenty of ongoing work to be done, feed and bolster the best “you” for the long haul.

Blessings for your well-being…R

Image Credit: Rassouli

Temple of the Cosmic Spheres

Image: Space.com

November 8.2022

5:59am EST

The Blood Moonand the Ancestors of Samhain

I had promised this as a post our astrological 14-Days countdown and as is often the case in all matters magickal/spiritual, the timing could not have been more supportive of the work accomplished in those 14-days.

This November moon is often called the Blood Moon, and the lunar tides that emanate from its waxing carry a reminder of the waters of our blood. This is the blood that connects us to our Ancestors. This is the blood that carries the memories of our lineage, both biologically and collectively as beings of humanity. And, the promise of this moon is one of using its energies to bring into manifestation a more refined way of instinctual being.

The Astrology of the Day

In the wee hours of this morning a Total Lunar Eclipse of the Blood Full Moon in…

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Astrological Samhain is here! Please enjoy a Ritual of Re-dedication celebrating the work of these past 14-Days…

A Witch's Sacred Journey

Welcome Samhain! Welcome Me in All of My Parts!

November 7.20225:36am (EST)

Sun in Scorpio

Waxing Moon in Taurus

All Hail the Blessings of Samhain! 
All Hail My Transformation!

I have claimed all that I AM
I have woven a new journey of MY Re-Making

How I choose to move forward
How I choose to be in the world
How I choose to express my humanity
How I choose to create from the exhale of inspiration
How I choose to step into the mantle of my Higher nature

All of these and more are mine to bring into collaboration
With none being more than the other and none remaining stagnant

On this day of Samhain I reach into the Swirlings 
And celebration of my Life transformed.

Today we celebrate astrological Samhain and allow ourselves the opportunity to cycle back to the beginning of this journey 14-days ago and where…

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Tomorrow is Astrological Samhain….

A Witch's Sacred Journey

All Paths Have Led Back to Me

November 6.2022

We have arrived at the eve before Astrological Samhain. And, what a fews days this will be standing in the potency of Samhain’s arrival and on the day of its after-glow, a Full Moon and lunar Eclipse on Election Day! And, as we ride the cresting of this Sabbat’s energies, take note that the days following Samhain are those that will carry you through the darkening and time of deeper introspection culminating with the Winter Solstice.

These are the days of revelation and diving deeply into the veils of mystery and if there is courage enough, choosing a less trod path awakening a sense of curiosity and desire for what “could be”.  There is no right or wrong in the path of your choosing because ultimately all paths lead back to you, in all of your ways of Being as subtle…

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A Witch's Sacred Journey

Artist: Jane Sunbeam

The Samhain Tree

November 2.20222

This Is Not Impartial, In the Least

Today’s post is focused on one of my absolute favorite topics- the Hermetic Tree of Life. The beauty of this discipline is its ability to remain relevant to any subject matter and its innate potency urging the practitioner of its principles to evolve, grow and become more present in all of their parts of Being.

Branching Out

The writing that follows is a musing on the energies of Samhain’s Veils and the Qabalistic Tree of Life. It does not require that you are well versed in the Qabalistic principles and there is a link at the end if you want to know more about the Tree. What I would invite you to do is to allow the words to wash over you in their first reading. Allow to arise whatever presents for you. St for…

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Day Eight of 14-Days of Samhain

A Witch's Sacred Journey

The Eagle’s Light in A Visionary Moon

November 1.20222

Sun in Astrological Scorpio

Waxing Moon in Astrological Aquarius

Today, we are going to revisit the energy of the Samhain solar tides of astrological Scorpio and the First Quarter Waxing Moon of astrological Aquarius.

As we engage in the work of today, and being ever-mindful of the intention of using the gifts of Samhain’s energies for personal transformation, I invite you to begin with these declarations:

I see with the clarity and precision of the Eagle, exact and purposeful in the beating of its wings as it selects its prey of nourishment

I allow to arise the waters of wisdom that are poured onto the thirsty ground of my understanding

I trust the emptiness that creates the space for my Spirit to soar in ecstasy

I move with intention towards those actions that affirm my calling to the Phoenix that renders…

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The Pagan Experience Monthly Gathering

A Space for Local Pagans to Meet, Socialize, Share, and Build Community

Inspirations of Life

Petals of Creative Change

78 Keys of Tarot

Opening the Gates of Inner Sight

Musings From the Mystic Path

A Monthly Newsletter published by Coven of the Mystic Path, ASW

From Psychic / Medium Danielle Egnew

The Call to Light Press - Spiritual Messages for Changing Times.

The Pagan Experience

Writings From the Pagan Community

Teachings on the Path

A Path of Continued Learning


Sharing My Love of Symbols



Magickally Human

A Blog of Experience


mindfulness, relaxation, thought provoking images and poems

300 stories

A continuing mission to produce flash fiction stories in 300 words (or less)