
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Pausing 19-Days today…

A Witch's Sacred Journey

I am pausing today’s 19-Day post for something more important. Yesterday I learned of the sudden passing of a dear friend. PL was a sweet, caring and much loved member of our tradition, the Assembly of the Sacred Wheel. She was always willing to be a friend, support and ally to everyone. She was a retired nurse (DE Hospital for the Chronically Ill) and truly lived a life of compassion and care fro every living being. PL was treasured by her family and they filled every part of her life and love. And, without warning, she is gone from this plane of existence and will be a much missed light in so many people’s lives.

This tragic passing is a harsh reminder that none of us know when our time to pass through the veils will be. We do not know when our loved ones, friends or colleagues time will…

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A Witch's Sacred Journey

If you are yearning for some snow, cold and the feelings of a traditional Yule, take a walk into…..

A Point of Clarity (in the Storm)

Today’s post is a journey through a snowstorm. Find a quiet setting where you will not be disturbed and allow this pathworking to move through you…

A Point of Clarity

Please note that you will be redirected to my site on Bandcamp. Not enough memory on this page..

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Day Eight-A Tarot Spread of Revelation. Two options available-ViDEO and Transcript page with Links

A Witch's Sacred Journey

The Lantern of Truth
Tarot Spread

Transcript and Links

This page is the transcript of a VIDEO showing the Lantern of Truth Tarot Spread

A Little Numerology:

The Hermit- Key IX

Nine (9)is the number of endings and beginnings and initiatory experience. This is the final single digit number that relates to the individual and unique “you”. Wherever nine occurs there is opportunity for growth; but, only if you willingly leave behind what serves no purpose towards your future growth.

The Star of the Lantern-VI

Six (6)is the harmonious elevation of three expressions of being. Two co-create and the resultant product is a third. This triune nature is one of pure creation and amplified x’s 2 gives the energy of polarity. This is the blueprint for creation that is diverse and can serve as a summation of all of its parts. In the model of the 6-pointed star…

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Day Eight-A Tarot Spread of Revelation. Two options available-ViDEO and Transcript page with Links

A Witch's Sacred Journey

The Lantern of Truth
Tarot Spread

Today’s post is a special Tarot spread that can be used anytime you are seeking deeper insight into how to stoke those fires of light that dispel the darkness and illuminate growth. It aligns with the six-pointed star that is held within the lantern of the Hermit. This being the product of the greater work of turning within and allowing to grow a light of consciousness that shines brightly in any circumstance and on all planes. I have also given a little hint as to the Qabalistic references of the card’s placements (not necessarily the traditional assignations :).

Click for the: Transcript Page and Link

Refer Back to Day Seven Post: The Magician, The High Priestess and The Hermit

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Day Three…Enjoy!

A Witch's Sacred Journey

Reflection In the Dark and Cultivating Gratitude

Today is an excellent day for finding solitude and quietly reflecting in the stillness of darkness. Even though we are not able to be as socially active as we wish because of COVID-19, if you are like me, video chats have increased exponentially.

It is not a coincidence that you will often see the increase in articles about stress-free holidays, meditation and simplifying during this time of the year. Add a global Pandemic to that mix and there are not enough places of advice that can be tapped into. So, for today’s post I am offering two contemplative moments. One that is a written version and the other a video I recorded in March of this year with a a focus on gratitude.

Relax into the moment. Let the words on the page wash over you. And, stand for this moment of time…

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Day One of 1-Days of Illuminated Darkness is Here…..

A Witch's Sacred Journey

Image: Anne Stokes

The Gift of the Winter Solstice
aka. Yule

Welcome to 19 Days!

DAY ONE we begin our journey moving towards the Winter Solstice and increasing light. take a look at one of the ways the Winter Solstice is celebrated. There are many ways that this Sabbat is celebrated, some steeped in lore and tradition and others using the astronomical gifts of the Solstice energy as point of focus and enlivening. Let the adventure begin….

For most of us the turning of the Greater Wheel to the Winter Solstice (Yule) is one of welcoming the return of the Light of renewal and strength, the promise of increasingly longer hours of daylight and anticipation of warmer weather and a more outer world focused time. This change is subtle in physical form as this is also when the cold of the Winter (Northern Hemisphere) will remain for a few months…

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It’s almost time….

A Witch's Sacred Journey

The Countdown to Light Begins Soon…

19-Days of IlluminatedDarkness-2020

This year we need the spaciousness of a returning Light that offers Hope and Healing. To bathe in the light the Solstice is to step into a mantle of power and illumination that pulls you from the stasis of longing into the temples of what can be.

Join me, once again, in our fourth annual count down to the Winter Solstice and 19 Days of Illuminated Darkness. What was begun as the veils of Samhain parted and the New Year turned another cycle of the Great Wheel, continues as we welcome the Winter Solstice and the burgeoning of the Solar Light!

Topics for this year will be specifically focused on using this energy to catalyze what lays inert within, strengthen your resolve as we move into 2021 and step into a place of power and honoring our unique and potent way…

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Final Day of the countdown and Astrological Samhain is here!

A Witch's Sacred Journey

Astrological Samhain
November 7.2020
5:56p.m. (EST)

What Have You Left Behind?

Waning Moon in Astrological Leo

Today is the last post of this series, 30 Days of Samhain and with this ending comes the call to retrace our steps and see what we have left behind from when we started this countdown. Today the fires of Leo course through the waters of our heart and emotions in the astrological sign of Leo. This seems fitting given the tensions we have faced these past several months nationally. Use this pulsing of energetic fire to move you forward towards the light of Yule(Litha)/Solstice and the opportunity to build something of more strength and durability.

Throughout these days we have stood in the power of the Dark Goddess, called to the Crone of the Crossroads, Hecate and sought the comfort and wisdom of our beloved ancestors. Now, on this blessed day of…

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Samhain’s Eve is upon us….

A Witch's Sacred Journey

All Paths Have Led Me to YOU

We stand at the eve before astrological Samhain. And, as we ride the cresting of this Sabbat’s energies, take note that the days following Samhain are those that will carry you through the darkening and time of deeper introspection culminating with the Winter Solstice.

These are the days of revelation and diving deeply into the veils of mystery and if there is courage enough, choosing a less trod path awakening a sense of curiosity and desire for what “could be”. There is no right or wrong in the path of your choosing because ultimately all paths lead to the Goddess, in all of Her forms and all of her iterations both as archetypal energy and mantle of transformation.

You may feel that this is a “new” process, and indeed it is to some degree, as we are always evolving and changing, even in…

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A Witch's Sacred Journey

Life-long Learners

Samhain calls us to seek the wisdom of the Ancestors and to forge new ways of being from that information. This is also a space of affirmation that we who walk the path are life-long learners. Matters of spirit and magick are constantly evolving because we are the driving force and we are constantly changing, growing and transforming.

As we approach astrological Samhain’s gate, spend some time thinking about what areas of the craft you would like to be more versed in. What calls to you to explore? What feeds your soul that could be expanded and deepened? Then dive in and keep learning.

These two courses may be of interest to you at this Samhain season: Awakening the Inner Sun (Fire of the Elemental Series) and The Magickal Persona. Click below to access the pdf and audio files.

Out and About Freebies

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